Smelly Dog Candles_Concept 1

by • Uploaded: Jul. 02 '08


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Description: A concept rejected early in the project because unlike paraffin wax, soy wax candles don't melt & leave any waxy residue - a major selling point of my client's product. The client also wanted a hand drawn look and less modern approach.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3363

Lets Discuss

sailendra Jul. 04 '08

Thanks, Nima. Can always count on you for a kind word. I would have liked to have developed this concept further, but you know, clients.**The best advice I've had on this site is to NEVER submit concepts that fulfills the brief but you don't particularly like. It's become my new mantra! **Is that what is taught at a graphic design course? In ID (product design) we were taught to submit a %22conservative%22 concept, a %22radical%22 concept and one %22in between%22. Comments?


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