Design To Feel

by • Uploaded: Feb. 19 '11


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Description: This logo represents my personal identity as a graphic designer. "Design to Feel" represents an attitude toward the process of creating successful visual solutions, where designs are more often judged not by how they look, but by how they feel. A modern re–imaging of the prehistoric hand/spiral motif fits my own design sensibilities and feels appropriate for myself as a designer. Simple and powerful.
As seen on: SamDeMastrie
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13989

Lets Discuss

lumavine Feb. 20 '11

I think this is very nice. Have you seen the Siah Design logo? Might be worth intentionally distinguishing from that.

designtofeel Feb. 20 '11

Thank you. I have not seen it. Do you have a link so I can check it out?

mcdseven Mar. 04 '11

howeya designtofeel, just came across while searching for something else, only giving ya the heads up and nothing else.... lovely work btw, flawless execution you have there.***

designtofeel Mar. 04 '11

Thanks ColinTierney and mcdseven (sorry I'm new, don't know anyone's names), I appreciate the comments. **Thanks for that link. I got a little nervous when I first saw it, but I quickly realized they didn't put in the hours that I did! Interesting none.the.less.

lumavine Mar. 06 '11**%0D*It is actually a bit different now that I look at them, but when I first saw yours, that is what I thought of FWIW.

designtofeel Mar. 09 '11

I have no idea what FWIW means, but thanks anyway lumavine. :)

straycloud Mar. 12 '11

looks similar the Teva hand. (

lumavine Mar. 12 '11

FWIW %3D For What It's Worth

designtofeel Mar. 12 '11

@straycloud: Wow, it is pretty similar. Complete coincidence though, I promise.

designtofeel May. 22 '11

This logo recently received an Award of Merit in the Salt Lake City AIGA 100 show!

sbdesign May. 22 '11

My congratulations!:)

pjmaster May. 22 '11

Well deserved. Next award - LP gallery :)

THEArtistT May. 22 '11

Congrats! Why isn't it in the gallery?

Raoul Camion Jun. 07 '11

Well done ! Congrats on your award.

nathantrafford Jul. 05 '11***Ran across this today randomly. I know it's a common shape and all, but it definitely made me think of you!

designtofeel Jul. 05 '11

Man, these similar marks keep piling up. Fortunately, it seems like all of them are a one-way spiral that ends in the palm. I don't think I've seen another like mine that comes in from the thumb and out to the fingers.**Thanks, Nathan.

nathantrafford Jul. 05 '11

yeah, I agree that yours is definitely different (and better)! And the proof of this is the fact that when I saw that other one on the mentioned website, I instantly thought of that guy on Logopond! %3B)

cetidesign Feb. 20 '12

very clean, i like when it's clean

aemindscape Apr. 11 '12

wow nathan that other one you found is almost identical, but I too prefer this mark. Well done man!


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