
by • Uploaded: Nov. 08 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: Copyright Josiah Jost and Siah Design © 2009
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 60050

Lets Discuss

penflare Nov. 08 '08

holy moly, what a concept!! hahaha i love it! - great job josiah

Kwaku Nov. 08 '08

sad enthusiastic.

siah-design Nov. 08 '08

@Relevant: lol - I like your way of thinking

joder Nov. 08 '08

Crisp and clean mark! Extra cudos for comming up with a new :), :0, %3B-). Never seen that one b4.

Type08 Nov. 09 '08

Great design usually comes out when having fun... Or not? Wait? What? :(:

omerbey Nov. 10 '08

it's so simple and obvious that it's genius.

OcularInk Nov. 10 '08

Very clever. LOL @ Relevant's comment. :-P

siah-design Nov. 13 '08

Thanks for the comments everyone! %3B)

firebrand Jan. 07 '09

I thought I'd commented on this. Tremendous!

dreamerworx Jan. 09 '09

Hah, clever :)) There is a theatre here in Bulgaria that uses a simillar logo :))

onesummer Apr. 15 '09

Siah, I love a lot of your designs, however you may want to fix this one by simply retitling the piece as %22bipolar%22, since, as someone on Smashing Magazine article pointed out:**%22Schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personalities or any kind of mood disorder that could be indicated by the :): symbol...%22 -Alicia

Siah-Design Apr. 15 '09

@onesummer: Yea, I've received dozens of comments and messages from offended people about this logo. I finally took the time to revise it. Changed it from %22schizophrenic%22 to %22bipolar%22. Its not worth offending people when its just for a fictional logo. **Am I politically correct, now? :)

onesummer Apr. 16 '09

ha, yeah. didn't offend me or anything though. I think people were just jealous because it was such a clever concept, and wished they had come up with it %3B)

AlexWende Apr. 16 '09

I thought I've already faved it? Or? Still good ! :D

michaelspitz Sep. 19 '09

%5EHA! too Funny! ..or sad... %3B)

michaelspitz Sep. 19 '09

%5EHA! too Funny! ..or sad... %3B) Nice one!

michaelspitz Sep. 19 '09

Damn... %5E%5E(Sorry, my browser totally flaked there...) :)

sdijock Oct. 13 '09

siah - It's a very clever design, and political correctness is definitely in the eye of the beholder. Having worked on ad campaigns for bipolar medications I can tell you that a lot of bipolar patients are pretty sensitive about their condition, and deep depression and suicide rates are pretty high among that patient population. Who knows how they'd actually react to this logo - I don't think it's overtly offensive - it could be a breath of fresh air to them.

siah-design Oct. 13 '09

Thanks for the kind comments again people. :)**@sdijock: Thanks for the comment. I used to have this logo titled as, %22Schizophrenic%22 but I literally had dozens of people contacting me how they were offended and that it was not accurate and that I should change it to %22Bipolar%22. Apparently schizophrenia is the inability to decipher between reality and fantasy. **I would like to think that people who suffer from a bipolar disorder would smile at this one instead of frown...

premal123 Oct. 13 '09

have seen this concept already. But I guess it is yours %22Siah-Design%22%0D*%0D*

siah-design Oct. 22 '09

@premal123 Yup, I had the word changed from %22schizophrenic%22 to %22bipolar%22 as that was a more accurate match for the concept.*

brandcore Feb. 22 '10

i love the concept.. but here is something similar.

birofunk Feb. 22 '10

%5Esame designer %3B)

firebrand Feb. 22 '10

2 in 1 people suffer from bipolar disorder.

nido Feb. 22 '10

%5Ehah... good one Roy... understated as always...

siah-design Feb. 22 '10

Thanks guys. LOL @ Roy :)****And just to clarify things again.** This logo was originally titled, %22Schizophrenic%22 and was sold on BrandStack a while back. But due to dozens of people contacting me offended that it didn't represent the schizophrenic disorder accurately I changed the title to bipolar for my portfolio.*

cobaltcow Feb. 22 '10

i liked it then - i like it now :)

oronoz ® Feb. 22 '10

I always love this one!!

mattaebersold Feb. 22 '10

Really good symbolism! It took me a couple seconds to get it, and I was really happy once I did.

Chad Sanderson Feb. 22 '10

%5E Me too, and then I was really sad when I realized my ideas will never be this good.

dezinart Feb. 22 '10

I instantly started laughing when I saw this. Hilarious!

mcdseven Feb. 22 '10

one of the cleverest logos on this pond... would be perfect for an advertising campaign to highlight bi-polar.

logomotive Feb. 22 '10

This sucks, I hate you Josiah.

Jeiji Feb. 22 '10

Hey, I can do it, too :): see? I've seen it then and now, and I still love it. Good job!

siah-design Feb. 22 '10

Thanks again guys! Love the hate, Mike. :)

matt061398 Feb. 24 '10

worst thing ever....I LOVE IT!

nypocreative Mar. 04 '10

very clever. I like it.

Mishka Mar. 06 '10

Great idea! I know what is about (my close friend...) so I understand and praise simple clear idea and like it a lot!

peterehat Mar. 09 '10

This is the best logo concept of the year so far. Brilliant!

bluehaus Mar. 17 '10

lol awesome! Great concept!

canarinho Mar. 30 '10

One of the best logos and concept I have seen for a while. Congrats!

sevacro Apr. 14 '10

A friend of mine had the same idea, apparently before this one.**

Tabithakristen Apr. 14 '10

Hm, that is similar and was uploaded before this one. But, this is just one website. I'm assuming this design could've been uploaded somewhere else by Siah prior to putting it here.

skywalkerone Apr. 15 '10

Like the simple things. Turned horizontally should work good enough. The smile...good day, solar seal today, HAND, solar tone 7, perfect for healing. By

kevinvanberg Jan. 13 '11

Very well executed. Beautiful! :)

Michaels May. 25 '11

creatively use of smiley for bipolar.

logoboom May. 25 '11

Just occurred to me a more ironic name might be %22Bitpolar'

verosch Jun. 26 '11

i must say - bipolar as i %22am%22and being much more than that :): that this logo was GREAT to see. i was going to speak about living with bipolar disorder in a big christian swedish conference, since i%B4m a writer. when I %22accidentally%22 saw your logo on my way there, it was only liberating, cool and fun, to see my feelings expressed in one single symbol/sign. way to go! thanks! /bipopular

njc-condooms Aug. 02 '11

Very clever. Good job.

dizphreak May. 31 '13

back in 2001, I made the same logo/design for art class. It was just the 2 faces tho, to me it meant just happy and sad. I wasn't thinking about bipolar when I made it. Glad to see someone was thinking the same thing..

RobertGoldring May. 06 '15

great simple design, well done


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