
by • Uploaded: Mar. 11 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '11


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Description: Coat-of-arms reinterpreted African-style, for a port for the US market.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9763

Lets Discuss

logomotive Mar. 11 '11

%5E me too really cool mark.

Mikeymike Mar. 11 '11

another excellent design, Simon.

Simon™ Mar. 11 '11

Thank you all. This is one of my all time favourite logo designs. I've got a pure vector version too, but this was the rendering I did for the jewelry designer to copy in metal - to make a bronze plaque moulded to the bottle.

vergad Mar. 11 '11

this is hot and looks amazing applied to the bottle design. it looks like a spear head. On the bottle it works well directing the viewer down to the name. well done

designabot Mar. 13 '11

This is one of your best mate!

Simon™ Mar. 14 '11

Thanks designabot. This is actually my favourite too. :-)

dotflo Mar. 14 '11

hot stuff, congratz

alterego Mar. 14 '11

From thumbnail i can see a strange face as well ... Great stuff mate

Agencija Mar. 14 '11

Really nice I lekie dear style!

Simon™ Mar. 14 '11

Hi David - the black was really just simulating the port bottle it's applied to, but it's a good suggestion to try on white. I see your point about the colour sucking the life out of the logo. :-) There's a simple explanation for the mismatch of styles - I simulated a relief sculpture in Photoshop for the jewelry designer to follow when casting this in bronze (it's hand glued to each port bottle). The name 'Allibone' actually sits on a separate paper label, far below the kudu. I thought that the painted style would be more interesting to showcase, but I can upload the original Illustrator version if you think it'll make for a better match?

malicho Mar. 14 '11

awesome, what's the vector look like?

Simon™ Mar. 15 '11

Hey simonfenix. You must be referring to yourself then? Because I'm Simon™. %3B-)

Simon™ Mar. 15 '11

Funny. The 'TM' after my name defaulted! You must have thought I was swearing! :-)

Simon™ Mar. 15 '11

Hi Brian. The 'painted' version is nicer, but give me your e-mail address and I'll send the 'vector' version to you. Nice work by the way. I'm digging both your design work and photography. You're still studying and this good already?! Cant believe you didn't win the Punaro contest. Oh well, just keep on doing your thing. :-)

Simon™ Mar. 15 '11

Hey Climax! I owe you one! Ever since you 'coerced' me into changing the background to white, floats have gone up dramatically (floated up?) :-)

brandcolour Mar. 16 '11

Great work, love the colors!

JoePrince Mar. 22 '11

The mark is great Simon! The 'B' in the type could be a little wider IMO though.

Simon™ Mar. 23 '11

Thanks everyone. JoePrince - I think you're right about widening the letter. Damn whoever designed this silly font called Weiss!

1pxrgba Apr. 18 '11

It is a great inspiration to see work like this. Nice job.

epsilon May. 04 '11

This would work great for a pizza place too :)

simon™ May. 04 '11

%5E Ha, ha! Good one! :-D

designfacet Nov. 23 '11

solid work, will not get old with time.

itsgareth May. 03 '12

Your showcase makes me cry. Unbelievable.

Type and Signs Jan. 12 '13

unbelievable amazing work, Simon ... looking forward to seeing new stuff of yours !!!


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