Frieda's vines

by • Uploaded: Mar. 31 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '11


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Description: Logo for a wine label that's part of the Fairtrade Organization, guaranteeing farm workers a share of the profits. In the same spirit, we named the label in the farm forewoman's honour. :-)
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 16403

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '11

sweet line work, Simon. And that's coming from a beer lover. HA!. I like wine too, my wife has made sure of that. (:

Simon™ Mar. 31 '11

He he! I prefer beer too, but please don't tell my clients that! %3B-)

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '11

%5Echeers. but you owe me a beer sometime. (:

Simon™ Mar. 31 '11

Mike, where are you based? I fear that a pub halfway between us may be in the ocean (or is that the drink?) %3B-)

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '11

Idaho, USA. that's okay, I'll just sip one down, on me and pretend. (:

vergad Mar. 31 '11

free flowing loveliness

devey Mar. 31 '11

Of course this is yours. Very nice. Caught my eye right away.**%5E%5E%5E%5E I'm from Idaho too, BTW

firebrand Mar. 31 '11

Outstanding work again Simon!

dotflo Mar. 31 '11

%5E agreed, love this

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E Idaho! Damn Mike, that really kills the plans. You'll have to chug one back in my honour after all. I love beer so much I tried to find a way, but no luck. Check out:

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

Thanks Matt, Ivan %26 Pierro! :-)

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E%5E What are you saying, Devey? Am I getting predictable? %3B-)

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

Thanks Roy, Florin %26 Simon No.2!

milou Apr. 01 '11

Gotta love that type %26 curls.

Mikeymike Apr. 01 '11

Nice gallery spot, Simon. already had my beer, but have to have another now that this man gallery.cheers. checked the map. looks like we'll have to met in Brazil somewhere. HA! take care, nice work.*

devey Apr. 01 '11

%5E%5E%5E%5E Predictably awesome, definitely.

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

%5E%5E Cheers dude! I'm about to check what's left in the fridge myself. I'm officially off-duty. :-)

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

%5E%5E devey. Ah! Right back at you! :-)

brandsanity Apr. 01 '11

Love this, awesomely balanced curls!

!mude Apr. 01 '11

Wow, that's cool. Wish I could do that :) Really beautiful.

Simon™ Apr. 01 '11

Thanks people. Was a real biatch to get right, as I've only ever attempted to do my own lettering a handful of times before, so am super-slow (I usually hire in a proper calligrapher for important jobs). I did a few rounds back-and-forth between my 2B pencil and Mac. There are one or two little parts I'd like to tweak, but the client's chosen one of my other options. The practice was worth it anyway. Lots of fun, and nice to stretch myself to try convey a more delicate feel, outside of my usual 'chiseled' style.

libran005 Apr. 02 '11

wow... this is mind-blowing...*Would have taken me ages, getting these curves right...

sean heisler Apr. 02 '11

%5E Ha ha, me too. Great work indeed.

Simon™ Apr. 02 '11

Thanks Bharat %26 Sean! :-)

sashakagor May. 07 '11

So great calligraphy!*Love it very much )

atomicvibe Aug. 17 '11

Simon, it's great to know that you started off this masterpiece with good 'ol graphite and compressed tree pulp. Really amazing work, man. You and a handful of other Davincis around here are gonna force me to quit this whole design thing and go work at Starbucks.

Simon™ Aug. 19 '11

Thanks Jon. Definitely don't deserve the da Vinci comparison. Just pushing pencils %26 pixels about, till they look OK. Sometimes I wish I had less responsibility - Starbucks sounds like the perfect place for me.

logomotive Feb. 20 '13

Your work is so amazing, Waiting for new updates....


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