Skaaren: 'All Pads'

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Cory Michael Skaaren

I'm the kind of person who relishes the constant battle between simplicity and complexity, between innovation and tradition, between art and commerce. Contradictions don't faze me a bit. I think Jackson Pollock and Norman Rockwell were both right, and that Bob Dylan and Bob Seger each have their place. Indeed, there's a time and place for everything, and it's my special talent to recognize that time and place and exploit it for all it's worth. Chaos doesn't cow me in the least bit - while others slink away like Nosferati from daylight, I jump headlong into it. The trick is to discover the order within the disorder - and I've mastered that trick. I'm perfectly willing (and eager) to adapt to the needs and wishes of our clients, although I draw the line at mediocrity. Mediocrity is at best only temporarily successful, and I'm more ambitious than that. Doing great and meaningful work for my clients is my main objective.


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