Logo for the products of the biggest Russian Agricultural Holding
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Lets Discuss
Killer color! :)
ReplyTo Michael: U dont like'em?%3D)
Reply%5Eagreed. Snowkai you are awesome with your color palettes.
ReplyTo mfrank: Thank you%3D)
ReplyGet out of here man...
Replyhaha, okey i'll stop posting for a few month%3D)
Replygay bull :D at forst glance have no idea whats this all about but the logo itself looks powerful
Replyfantastic color choices. nicely done.
Replyhey, snowkai, don't stop posting! logopond's gallery might turn grey %3D))
ReplyI like this :)
Replyvot blin (:
Replyvery nice logo! I like it!
ReplyGot no idea what it says but... *beautiful!*
ReplyYeah this is amazing looking. Some really nice features in this one!
Replyfab work!
Replygreat job again:)
Reply5stars!! *****
ReplyYou are real Man, Amigo!%3D)
ReplyAwesome work! Great job mate : )
Replystunning colours, this needs to be in the gallery!
ReplyVery cool, kirill!
ReplyAEчеCDDC CAрутCE все!
ReplyOchen' kruto, sorry!
Replyso cool color composition,awesome!*mldc!
Replythis is beautiful. love it.
ReplyReminds me too much to the Tullamore horse:****... which is IMO a bit better indeed.
Reply%5Eagree. :(
Replyto watermarke: i made it at 2009 summer%3D)
Replyits just awsome
ReplyNot for all:*Hope u like it)
ReplyIn a large format looks a lot better. Now we can feel all the gusto of a colours parts. A font is immediately liked to me %3B-)
ReplyBrave and great use of colour. Really like the typeface too.
ReplyLooks great, now I have much more opinion about russian authors.
Reply%22to watermarke: i made it at 2009 summer%3D) %22**Didn't want to imply anything... and I realized that its not 100%25 the same idea. Tullamore is still better... typo i.e. %3B)
ReplyWhat's with those collage-alike animals lately, bison here, bull there...%0D*%0D*It's cool, the trend has practically started (correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm already kind of tired of it...
ReplyTo watermarker: %3D)
Replythe bull looks so powerful and strong! great!
ReplyAwesome coloration. Really nice.
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