Wildlife Studios

by • Uploaded: Jan. 06 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '12


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Description: logo made for high end taxidermy studio specializing in African game. They also design and install Natural History Museum type exhibits.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 14979
Tags: stevan logo rasta flag

Lets Discuss

qyper Jan. 07 '12

amazing illustration. great work

stevan Jan. 07 '12

Many thanks guys!

Mad Skimo Jan. 18 '12

its a winner!!! love it*

chanpion Jan. 18 '12

For a font thats reserved for mainly the motor industry, it actually works quite well here. Nice job!

djac Jan. 19 '12

Chrome... is that you?

atomicvibe Feb. 21 '12

LOL @ djac! I immediately thought of Google Chrome when I saw this. Other than that, I really like the style of the illustration, and I agree with Norman, the typeface is atypical for this sort of application, but it does work. Gives the whole thing a strong %22safari%22 feeling.


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