Dancing Heart

by • Uploaded: Mar. 16 '09 - Gallerized: Nov. '17


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Description: Proposed logo for an upscale dance studio specializing in tango and ballroom dancing.
As seen on: Manifest Creative
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 22449

Lets Discuss

elysios Mar. 18 '09

Very nice! This is definately one of my favs.

Chad Sanderson Oct. 14 '09

This is great, but I think you can get rid of the sharp curve caused by the shirt on the inside of the heart. I think its perfectly acceptable to see the shirt flow into the pants. I also think the ruffles on the bottom of the lady dancer's dress may need to be tightened up, just a bit. But other than that, lovely.

DesignBuddy Jan. 06 '18

This is very creative. I agree with Chad's comment about removing the sharp angle from the guy's shirt. It slightly ruins the heart effect in my opinion. Regardless, great job.


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