by • Uploaded: Nov. 19 '08
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Description: orange globe Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2598 Share:
Reminds me of At%26t...
Hadn't thought of that but see what you mean. It was sitting doing nothing off the edge of my Illustrator artboard as an experiment and thought I would share it.
Nice effect. Similar to the AT%26T globe but different too. I'm assuming you used the 3D revolve tool and transparencies in Illustrator to do this?
no just basic elipses with transparency and gradient across all, no 3D at all
que buen efecto!
3D designer too!! You are the master!
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Reminds me of At%26t...
ReplyHadn't thought of that but see what you mean. It was sitting doing nothing off the edge of my Illustrator artboard as an experiment and thought I would share it.
ReplyNice effect. Similar to the AT%26T globe but different too. I'm assuming you used the 3D revolve tool and transparencies in Illustrator to do this?
Replyno just basic elipses with transparency and gradient across all, no 3D at all
Replyque buen efecto!
Reply3D designer too!! You are the master!
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