
by • Uploaded: Jun. 23 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08


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Description: logo for techno-clubnight
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Viewed: 7308

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jun. 24 '08

Nice. Have you tried the red dot in just one of the letters, such as the O, leaving the rest grey?

TECHNEO Jun. 24 '08

thank you!*Yes i've tried. But it didn't work the way i wanted...*Now every dot is the base and center of every letter/shape and that gives just that touch of stability i guess...

TECHNEO Jun. 24 '08

thank you!*Yes i've tried. But it didn't work the way i wanted... Now every dot is the base and center of every letter/shape and that gives just that touch of stability i guess... Or did i understand you wrong? Do you mean: maintain all dots, but just 1 in red?

TECHNEO Jun. 24 '08

thank you!*Yes i've tried. But it didn't work the way i wanted... Now every dot is the base and center of every letter/shape and that gives just that touch of stability i guess... Or did i understand you wrong? Do you mean: maintain all dots, but just 1 in red? Hmm, that's possible maybe... i'll have a look!*

firebrand Jun. 24 '08

Yes, just one in red, the rest neutral.

koodoz Jun. 24 '08

I think having all the dots in red helps to emphasise lights/strobes/chemicals/dialated pupils/chuppa chops... and what ever else goes with rave culture :). **Nice job TECHNEO! I'm sure this would look fantastic as a backlit sign above a dark unsuspecting club door.

OcularInk Jun. 25 '08

Nice logotype. And still legible.

neogrey Jun. 25 '08

Very legible, which is rare with those things :) Stellar work, mate!!! Are you on as well?

TECHNEO Jun. 27 '08

Eeh, not yet... checked it out a few times, but didn't have the time yet to really do something with it.*I hope soon! :-)*

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

You are really a TECH freak! Nice job!!


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