Kitty Kisses

by • Uploaded: Sep. 28 '12


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Description: my daughter scribbled this image over and over when she was just under 2 years old (see variation for her original scribble). course I fell in love with it and scanned it into the computer to play with. the text is something I miss heard that has become a family joke.
As seen on: print perfection
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3385
Tags: kiss afraid fear vampires

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Oct. 06 '12

Thank you, Lady Gray, for the float.

I donated this design to a friend of mine with cancer. She has a site where she sells shirts and other merchandise with all profits going to cancer research. Here is a link if at all interested:

ladygrey Oct. 07 '12

Is yhis a kitty? I thought that this is fox... then I like it - I love all foxes on Logopond)

THEArtistT Oct. 23 '12

I saw a kitty in the doodle myself, but I can see where you would see a fox, too, especially with the orange I added. The black and orange I added was to make it an abstract calico cat. I love all the foxes, too. :)

Dzire2Dzine May. 03 '13

Looks great on tee.. BTW its looks mixer of Cat & Fox :)


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