Desert Bear

by THEArtistT • Uploaded: Sep. 26 '08


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Description: The Desert Bear name and bear claw illustration were done for a real client to name a proposed property development. The project was a no go.
Status: For sale
Viewed: 4,183

Lets Discuss

blackindextip Sep. 26 '08

Too much Bear. Great idea though. Simplify the font and mark.

THEArtistT Sep. 26 '08

But it is all about the bear. The mark is based completely on traditional Hopi silver work that is often inlaid with coral, turquoise, onyx and other semi precious stones. Originally designed purely black and white (because the desert bear in Hopi folklore is white), but it was too stark so I added the color inlays. The font I chose because it looks like diamond cut silver in the modern style. I know the current trend is to use very simple fonts, but this font felt right for the Southwest area and the Native American art I was using for inspiration.

THEArtistT Sep. 26 '08

Thank you, by the way.

theartistt Apr. 11 '09

revisited this design with new layout and font. comments?

theartistt May. 29 '09

Is this Real, as in %22made for a real client%22, or Fake, as in %22done for fun%22. I need you guys to help me. The name, concept and illustration of the bear claw were done for a real client. The job was a no go however. I have since worked on the font and color in an attempt to sell the logo. So is it Real or Fake?

GreenInkStudio Jul. 16 '09

The diamond cut on the letters should be simplified maybe? Instead of 2 vertical cuts just 1? So the middle part of the letters' body doesn't %22dissapear%22 into the background. The mark screams Hopi art already, so I think the font could be a little bit ethnic (for lack of a better word). Cool mark!

theartistt Jul. 17 '09

Thanks GreenInk. I've updated the font. People by and large didn't care for it. Does it pass muster now?

gyui Jul. 17 '09

Hey Trish, I like the font, but i think you need to increase the size of the font, the mark is overwhelming the type. I like this layout more than your original :)

theartistt Jul. 17 '09

And Thanks Jerron! for the float.

theartistt Jul. 17 '09

Ok, bigger text. I'm thinking this is IT.

firebrand Jul. 19 '09

%5E Go on I'm sure you can leave a comment here too.

lundeja Jul. 19 '09

@li-on design %3E%3E You'd better go and find it, then. Worthless comment ftl.

theartistt Jul. 20 '09

He said there is too much black. I personally like using a silver hue for the black, but I haven't gotten favorable comments on that either. Yes, I could change the background color, but if the logo doesn't work on white, it is not an improvement if it works on another color. Can't please everyone all the time! I love all the critiques and comments, absolutely, but sometimes trying to please everyone on such a public forum is like designing by committee. And we all know what can happen then!**Thanks for the float Jared!

theartistt Mar. 10 '10

Thank you for the float Rudy!

theartistt Sep. 02 '10

Thank you for the floats, Milos and MikeyMike. :)

THEArtistT Jun. 13 '11

Sorry I missed this. Thank you for the float Lady Gray. :)

beshur Aug. 22 '11

Great :) Love the bear inside.**Though I'd make claws more careful/smaller.

THEArtistT Aug. 22 '11

Thank you. :) Glad you like it. **The mark realistically represents very specific southwest style Ndn silver jewelry (and bear claws are ridiculously long in the first place). I wouldn't shorten the claws because then it would not be faithful to the indigenous art. But thanks again for your nice comment.


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