Leaf Yin Yang

by • Uploaded: Nov. 29 '08


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Description: Had a dream and this is what came of it. I blame LP for my dreams being saturated with logo ideas! The illustration is purely that.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7260

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Dec. 01 '08

And thank you RoboCat.

riotdesigner Mar. 24 '09

awesome...... no more to say

topfuel Jul. 16 '09

Really well done...nice shading gradient. IMO, I would not have the two blue holes in the leaves...I feel they are a distraction. I understand your frustration concerning the politics at BS.

theartistt Jul. 17 '09

Thanks Top Fuel. You are alright. I have given this an update. It was suggested I pull the leaves apart, but that would require a complete redraw, and I'm just not up for that. Besides I love it the way it is. I took the blue out of the background and dropped down the size of BALANCE and repositioned it. Thoughts?

theartistt Sep. 02 '10

Thank you for the float Milos. And, John, I can't believe I hadn't personally thanked you for your float before this. Sorry for missing it!


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