Kim Quy

by • Uploaded: May. 04 '09


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Description: This used to be my Sun Turtle, but I was recently able to sell it. So now it is Kim Quy the Golden Turtle God of Vietnam. I do not know exactly what the business is, but I am very glad this illustration finally found a home.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6132
Tags: softshell god vietnam kim qui

Lets Discuss

cerise May. 04 '09

Did you darken this up as well as flip. Good job.

cerise May. 04 '09

What font is that

cseven May. 04 '09

I prefer the turtle facing this way - nice one Trish.

theartistt May. 04 '09

The direction of the turtle got me for a bit. If you face South the turtle travels from left to right like this one. But if you face North, he travels from right to left. It does 'feel' better with this orientation.**Thanks for the floats all!

cerise May. 04 '09

Not sure about the font nice though

theartistt May. 05 '09

I picked this font to go with the softer version of the turtle. it is still ok with this more geometric turtle, but I should look try another font. will let you know when I've updated it.

theartistt May. 05 '09

and thanks ALL for the floats and kind posts!

JMC Jun. 06 '09

Great logo! Awesome mark!

theartistt Sep. 14 '09

Thanks for the float Matto!

theartistt Sep. 02 '10

Thank you for the float Milos. Love your personal logo!

THEArtistT Feb. 26 '11

Guess I have finally made the big leagues. Found this logo taken straight from here and added to others (taken from here, mostly, and elsewhere) for someone's blog on sun inspired logos. Unfortunately it raised doubt as to whether I was the original designer of this logo or not so it interfered with my attempting to sell it there briefly. Why can't sites like that simply ask permission first before taking? I know they think they are doing us a favor, but it seems very rude even so.

THEArtistT May. 15 '11

I missed some thank yous here. Mike and Radek, thank you!

THEArtistT Jul. 04 '11

Thank you Raoul and Julia for the floats. Thank you for the kind words Julia. :)

THEArtistT Jul. 12 '11

Thank you Zoya. Love your work!

THEArtistT Nov. 02 '11

The turtle has sold. Illustration has been updated with new name. :)

THEArtistT Nov. 29 '11

Thank you for the recent floats all!


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