Galenica Pharma

by • Uploaded: Jul. 28 '09


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Description: The logo is based on the philosophy of Claudius Galeno. He said that the man is constituted of three spirits: the animal spirit, the natural spirit and the vital spirit - This was joined with the three principal points of the brand: the company, the doctors and the patients Also it represents the trivum of Aristoteles: the infinity of the man.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9947

Lets Discuss

JohnM Jul. 29 '09

I'm truly sorry to break this...but i'm 99.99%25 sure i've seen the same mark on - this is an inverted version of that mark with colors changed...**I'm definitely sure it was unintentional...but yeah...this one's been done before...**my logolounge subscription has expired and unfortunately i cant give you that link now...but will try my best to get it for you :)

imadnan Jul. 29 '09

Hi, it is good work by Galenica Pharma *

The Box Aug. 01 '09

Hi!**JohnM: Tnx for your comment, i will look for it.**Imadnan: Thank you**Regards :)


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