by • Uploaded: Jan. 26 '14


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Description: In July 2013 I've been in Abu Dhabi, working on a biggest project of my career. Etihad Airways hired me to work on a branding for new national airlline of Serbia, Air Serbia - formerly JAT Airways. Since two-headed eagle is a national symbol on a serbian coat of arm, idea was to combine that symbol with elements from serbian history in the middle ages when Serbia was the most powerful force in Europe. Idea was to make a new stylized, modern logo that can represent new and modern serbian two-headed crest, that will "fly" all over the world. New logo and livery were revealed on a conference in Belgrade in August 2013.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 5936
Tags: coat of arms middle ages history heads

Lets Discuss

logogo12 Jan. 28 '14

Sve pohvale! Ne slazem se sa komentarima da je trebalo upotrebiti krst i ocila,jer to nije logo to je onda grb!Jedinstven prepoznatljiv i dovoljno srpski!!!


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