Zen Marketing

by • Uploaded: Sep. 23 '08


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Description: STYLE: Just Font
As seen on: The NetMen Corp
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2271

Lets Discuss

azacarias7 Sep. 23 '08

Good concept try taking out the stroke and gradient to see how it looks, sometimes the more simple the better :)

yorch Sep. 23 '08

I agree with azacarias7. Maybe a different typo will work too. Something more similar to the %22e %26 ying yang symbol%22. The concept is great.

THEArtistT Nov. 09 '08

The gradation is completely unneeded and awful. Takes away from an otherwise brilliant mark. I also think the colors are too much. Black and white with a pop of color would work better in my opinion.


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