Cleared Path

by • Uploaded: Dec. 02 '14


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Description: The basic function of CP is to help individuals find careers/jobs that require a security clearance (confidential, secret, top secret). The core vision of the site is to become the top aggregating/job board that lists jobs that require a security clearance in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. Target groups are military personnel, government employees, secret agencies, anyone who currently holds a confidential, secret, or top secret clearance. Logo mark = fingerprint meets maze meets sonar signal with the letter C in the center.
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6197
Tags: network signal sonar maze

Lets Discuss

rudy hurtado Dec. 02 '14

I see the C there, C for Cool!

type08 Dec. 02 '14

Yup, C in the middle. Thanks Rudy! C yah! ;)


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