Africa Unite

by • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '10


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Description: Organization from Canada that has a concept of gathering the African students who study abroad in the 'western' world (USA, Canada, Europe) with the goal of being able to come together and solve the problems on the African continent. Logo is featured in a few books on logo design.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4425

Lets Discuss

brandsimplicity Mar. 17 '10

Looking great my friend, actually prefer this version.

Type08 Mar. 17 '10

Thanks a lot Fabster! The mono will be used for just a few elements in the project, full color one will carry the communication out...

Hayes Image Mar. 17 '10

Strong mark!! I prefer this to the full colour version too :)

Type08 Mar. 17 '10

Thanks Josh, glad that you like it!

alterego Mar. 17 '10

nice style buddy...

Type08 Mar. 18 '10

Thanks again, Shylesh! Almost wrote Stylesh! Stylesh?!?! Megacool! Alter Ego aka Stylesh! %3B)

alterego Mar. 18 '10

i am shylesh my alterego known as stylesh ..) lollllll..........u got it.. ...some of my friends calling me STYLESH. now you too ..

AlexWende Mar. 19 '10

I have faved the other one, looks also great in one colour! :D

Type08 Mar. 19 '10

Stylesh, Niall and Alex, thanks a lot my friends! What makes it great is that both versions will be in use (I also got 2 more colored ones, maybe I'll post them as well). Very exciting project, happy to be a part of it!


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