True Love

by • Uploaded: Dec. 03 '11


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Description: :)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 8964
Tags: bond relationship relation heart

Lets Discuss

gopsokla Jun. 12 '12

Egypt?? didnt get you.

Hayes Image Jun. 12 '12

Might be referring to the shape in the negative space at the base of the heart (is it a tick?) kind of looks like Pyramids - if you concentrate on the egyptian reference. :)

GopsokLa Jun. 12 '12

ohhhh. didnt know that. Yes its a tick mark. True= Tick mark, was my concept :D

watermarker Jun. 15 '12

Ah I see it now. Maybe the shadow should be more present then, so its more clear.
But I also would like it in a hypothetical connection to Egypt. :)

gopsokla Jun. 15 '12

I tried this on white background as well.. and little modification as well. Check here:

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

Its the same with white BG. I 'see' the pyramids seconds before the tick mark, even before realising, that there is a shadow. But maybe its just me, so forget about it. :)


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