
by • Uploaded: Mar. 03 '11


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Description: wip
As seen on: www.wizemark.com
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3854

Lets Discuss

kugelis Jan. 05 '12

don't know why but this one always gets my attention

kugelis Dec. 06 '12

every time :) somehow this is an attention grabbing icon :)

stevenbeverly Aug. 14 '13

It got my attention as well, so I thought I would come add my two cents to the logo design since it is a work-in-progress:

1.) I really like it, but I think some detail would be lost in the circles at a smaller resolution. I believe using only 3 circles would be more effective and be more memorable to viewers. (Remember: humans tend to view things with three elements to be more aesthetically pleasing; the rule of thirds!)

2.) I also think the stem could be a little shorter. When you add text to it (if you're going to, that is) it would sit a little better with a stronger base.

Anyways, I really like it! Can't wait to see the second version! :) If you add color to it, I think a dark green or maybe a natural brown would look really good!


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