
by • Uploaded: Sep. 09 '09


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Description: Featured on brandstack where is on sale as well.
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Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3043

Lets Discuss

tass Sep. 09 '09

good one mate! :)

hcmlopes Sep. 09 '09

Its a good logo but for some reason I can only see the letter D chopped in half and not the quotes on the floor like its meant to be, just thought I would share that.

Brock K Sep. 09 '09

I agree with hcmlopes... I like the logo, but my eyes are forced to look at the graphics and at first it looks like cropped D's, but then when I read the text I get the quotations but it isn't my first thought. this necessarily isn't a bad thing, sometimes designs are meant to be deep, but then again sometimes not.

Wizemark Sep. 10 '09

I hear you, guys, and i do appreciate your thoughts. But i%60m having a hard time here seeing a chopped D%60s..really do.. :) more U%60s than D%60s, but ok, i see your point. Thanks!


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