Apple Energy

by • Uploaded: Nov. 20 '08


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Description: Home energy company, didn't want to resemble Apple Computers at all.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2484

Lets Discuss

Lawrence Anderson Nov. 20 '08

Interesting concept. The execution isn't there yet though. First of all I would remove the gradient and stroke on all of it. The font seems off right now, but I can't place the issue. I think lowercase type might work better though.

joder Nov. 21 '08

Nice concept, but is he frowning? I wonder if that frown could be turned upside down? So he's :). Also concur the gradients aren't necessary.

tdf Nov. 27 '08

Perhaps the body of the apple could be green, I think it would still read as an electrical outlet and be more visually appealing.


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