aibrean: 'All Pads'

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April Sadowski

Aibrean is the Irish Gaelic translation of April. April Sadowski is a full-time graphic and web designer. April is an alumni of The School of Advertising Art, the most award-winning design college in the Dayton area. She is a member of the Greater Dayton Advertising Association (division of the AAF) and has won Hermes Awards there for excellence in Web Design.

April is currently employed full-time as the Art Director of ThinkTV. Even with her committments as an employee, she is still able to accomodate time for any type of independent consulting work. With a range of clients from corporate to budding musicians, April is able to handle various design types for various audiences. In addition to the general American global audience, April has experience with niche marketing to the Latino community (such as Professional Latinos in Entertainment, La Corporación Muzic, Maxim en Espanol, and Linda Lopez).

April is also a writer, voice actor, and producer. She is working on her first novel and is producing Lady From Day out of it. She is also mixing Snape's Diaries at Misfits Audio. Her voice acting is extensive with various roles in on-going productions at TWERP, Pendant Audio, Darker Projects, Imagination Lane, Misfits Audio, and BrokenSea Audio Productions. She is availble for professional voice acting needs as well.


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