
by • Uploaded: Jun. 02 '07 - Gallerized: Jun. '07


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Lets Discuss

chanpion Jun. 02 '07

This is really nice but I can't help not thinking about THE tsunami : (**Sorry.

akitash Jun. 03 '07

Tienes raz%F3n chanpions, gracias por el comentario. S%F3lo que cuando el logo fue creado, a%FAn no hab%EDan sucedido el tsunami, ni era com%FAn que eso sucediera. Pero est%E1s en lo cierto, bien!

chanpion Jun. 03 '07

Um...help in translating anyone?

Art Machine Jun. 03 '07

He said you're right, and thanks for your comment. And the tsunami just abandoned while creating the logo although it is not very usual/ probable. Though you're right.**If my translation isn't correct, please anyone straighten this out.

nido Jun. 03 '07

yeah he said he's gona kick your behind straight to the moon... bing bang boom!!!

chanpion Jun. 03 '07

Phew! Just a kick on the behind! I thought it was something else! %3B )**Thanks Art and um....thanks nav.*BTW guys, he is a she. Her name is Angelica and she's got a pretty awesome showcase!

royhobbs Jun. 05 '07

I believe the correct translation was something like this. %22You're right, and thanks for the comment. However, when the logo was created the tsunami had not yet occurred, and it wasn't a common occurrence. Nevertheless you are right.%22**By the way, Nice logo. Bien hecho!

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Jun. 07 '07

It is a beautifully executed design - although it does make me want to run for higher ground... :o)

iamanidiot Jun. 14 '07

crap. utter pants. i dont think we've laughed this much in a while. i have no idea what it means. im thinking end of the world, global warming, rising water levels.

nvictor Jun. 29 '07

iamanidiot... absolutely.

hitbyreindeer Sep. 07 '09

pues a mi me encanta este logo y me seguir%E1 encantando, lo del tsunami lo pens%E9 hasta que le%ED los somentarios y pues s%ED tienen algo de raz%F3n, pero cuando lo vi me qued%E9 fascinado por la soluci%F3n que encontraste para este logo y la ejecuci%F3n est%E1 de 10, yo lo floto 1000 veces :D


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