hogar de niños

by • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '07 - Gallerized: Jun. '07


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Lets Discuss

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Jun. 15 '07

Beautiful treatment of the two hands and heart!

nido Jun. 15 '07

hhhmmm yes very nice, though the childs thumb looks a bit too big no?

raja Jun. 15 '07

great feel to this logo!

akitash Jun. 15 '07

Thanks everyone for your feedback! I will think about nido said... la idea es que el dedo de la mano grande sea el mismo de la mano chiquita, para semejar una especie de %22uni%F3n, compenetraci%F3n, fusi%F3n%22...

akitash Jun. 15 '07

Thanks for your comments, the work is in progress...

kosta Jun. 19 '07

How sweet! Great execution.

senterbrands Jun. 28 '07

I think this is one of the most memorable marks over the past few months to be submitted. Nice work! Nice Execution!

studiowacho Jun. 28 '07

looks nice, apart the thing that thumbs are connected...doesn't looks gr8 ... mite change slightly

JWTK Jun. 29 '07

very, very fresh. however i think you can lose the shadow effect, it takes away the tone of purity in the logo.

believe Jun. 29 '07

El logo en s%ED est%E1 muy bien hecho. Lo %FAnico que cambiar%EDa ser%EDa el espacio entre %22de Ni%F1os%22 y %22Hogar%22. Me encantan los colores y el asunto de los %22dedos%22 me parece insignificante en este caso.

akitash Jun. 29 '07

thanks every one! how can i do to convince the client?! It wants a typical logo with children under a ceiling... :(

akitash Jun. 29 '07

believe, a qu%E9 espacio te refieres? M%E1s grande o menos grande?... thanks for you comments!

jrt1223 Aug. 21 '07

Me gusta lo. No cambia una sola cosa. Es perfecto as%ED. Adonde est%E1s? Espa%F1a?

mei Jun. 18 '08

Hi, really like the lively use of colors and posting this on my blog (http://cluelessclay.com) on 30 Jun. Do let me know if you have a personal site/blog and I will gladly link to you.

luuurq Nov. 02 '09

para convencer al cliente le puede decir que ese concepto del techo est%E1 muy utilizado ya, y que con este logo puede llegar a diferenciarse y ser mejor recordado :) me gusta mucho.!!


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