
by • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '16


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Description: Logo design for Belgian training app.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4602
Tags: communication minimal wave training

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Feb. 22 '16

Hmmm is this supposed to be the ropes that people use to train connected to the comment bubble and the oscillation of the rope in the form of sound waves? if so genius...

The weight difference between front and voice isnt great enough, almost didn't see it, seems like a mistake right now, an old boss of mine used to say make it look deliberate, if not its a mistake even if its not ( paraphrasing )

vfolio Feb. 23 '16

Great concept! But I would refine it a bit

alex_tsanev Feb. 23 '16

@climaxdesigns thanks. Nope this is intended to represent a megaphone comment bubble sound waves. Regarding the current weight difference between the separate words, yes probably the contrast in the weight could be a little bit more obvious.

alex_tsanev Feb. 23 '16

@vfolio glad that you like it! I`m open for suggestions, so please feel free to share what could be refined.


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