ilBeato (1)

by • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '11 - Gallerized: Jul. '11


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Description: ilBeato is a website that showcases (right on the map) streetart from different artists. The client wanted something simple, yet sophisticated, starting from its name: il Beato (the blessed one). This name referes to Fra Angelico, an italian Renaissance painter, known for his "rare and perfect talent". As seen in the mark, the letters "e" and "a" represent the eyes of a dazzled character.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13142

Lets Discuss

dotflo Jul. 01 '11

hehe, both of them are great, i'm sure it was a tough choice

cnasshan Jul. 02 '11

I feel this works better in regards to what it stands for. The other is nice, but I assumed right away it was for a candy store or something.

andreiu Jul. 06 '11

thanks guys!*@Nash: I agree with you.

Download crack Aug. 10 '11

Interesting work! Came out of the proposed task is very original)


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