Bereavement Counselling Service

by • Uploaded: Dec. 20 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: This is the final submission for the BCS logo. They opted for a muted mauve colour rather than green, and wanted to focus on a feeling of friendliness and personal touch, hence a less formal, more flowing heart/tear tweak, and the handwritten style type for 'Counselling Service'.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6395

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Dec. 20 '07

I think this came out great!

artboy Dec. 20 '07

Cheers dude. Have enjoyed the logopond feedback on this project as it's progressed! I'm quite chuffed with this one too.

drewboy Dec. 20 '07

Very good artboy - maybe tweak one of the 'L's in 'counselling' so that it looks less like a font? I like it a lot.

ryantoyota Dec. 20 '07

Agreed, this turned out looking fantastic. I love the mirrored handwritten style of the tagline and the top of the heart.

amyblandford Dec. 20 '07

it was worth all the versions you had to go through, turned out really nice!

sprinks Dec. 20 '07

very very nice !**... i do believe counseling only has 1 %22L%22 though?

amyblandford Dec. 20 '07

%22British English%22 gives it 2 Ls. (I've had the same conversation before.) :-)

sprinks Dec. 20 '07

ahh .. very nice then ! :)

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Dec. 20 '07

Really an inviting identity solution for such a business.

firestorm888 Dec. 20 '07

Great contrast in the typeface usage - I'm also envious that you made pms warm greys 11 and 8 work so well together! Classy!

logomotive Dec. 20 '07

Well done artboy, They all look great. The client should be proud of their new logo.

artboy Dec. 21 '07

Wow, thanks guys! :)

mei Dec. 26 '07

Hi, this logo has a very warm and approachable feel. As I am looking up heart designs for my blog, will like to put it up on my site in fact, scheduled to go live on 28 Dec, with links to your home site. btw, read your Aug post on designing a church logo, how's that going? I've got to submit one for my church by 31 Dec and kind of struggling to think of something unique rather than the standard looking ones that could possibly apply to any church..

artboy Jan. 02 '08

Mei, thanks for the comments. My church logo is featured in my showcase - see what you think. I'm really pleased with the way it turned out!*

gthobbs Feb. 19 '08

Beautiful font choice and execution.


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