Coro - creative note

by • Uploaded: Mar. 26 '09


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Description: Jewelry consultant
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1377

Lets Discuss

sdijock Mar. 26 '09

Overall, the logo is ok. The particle technique is starting to get old - kind of like when everyone discovered soft drop shadows in Photoshop and started using them to death. I think the placement of your mark in relation to your type is off-putting - almost like the %22C%22 is going to devour the rest of the type. I would consider placement above the type instead. I also think your mark could come down in size a bit. Finally, get rid of the script font and go with something simpler - like a light sans-serif.

Paul Rand Mar. 26 '09

Well said sdijock, i agree entirely.**The coro font itself works well with this name.

ashtur1 Mar. 27 '09

Hi! thanks for comments.*Initially the C was above, and also %22creative note%22 was light sans-serif, but client didn't like. He told me to make text bigger, change C position and to use an hand written font :)**Bye :)

sdijock Mar. 27 '09

@ashtur1 - Wow, your client really made you change everything that would have made for a good design - that's really unfortunate. But, we are in a service industry after all...

ashtur1 Mar. 30 '09

@sdijockYes, the C was moved cause invoice document has little vertical space, so logo couldn't fit there...**The sans-serif font was changed cause, in his opinion, was too cold and impersonal. (sorry for my english...)**

Paul Rand Mar. 30 '09

Let's educate the client.*You wouldn't tell him how to do his job.


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