National Giraffic

by • Uploaded: May. 26 '10


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Description: National Giraffic
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2939

Lets Discuss

azdesign Oct. 17 '10

Yes I like it also. But this is just a first draft. It needs more work, but I haven't had time for that so far%3B)* Thanks for the comment!*

hitbyreindeer Jul. 18 '11

agreed! this really is a fun concept

logomotive Jul. 18 '11

I think you should finish it,.. (head) it can be done using same squares and it will be winner winner chicken dinner. Clever!

logomotive Jul. 18 '11

The only reason I say finish is because it feels like decapitation since you put so much of the neck here. I like minimal and simplistic but in this case I think it's needed. IMO

azdesign Aug. 22 '11

Thanks Guys! I completely agree with you Mike. A head would be nice finish touch. Hopefully will catch some time to finish it. Thanks Mike!


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