
by • Uploaded: Jul. 25 '08


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Description: Logo for a rock climbing clothing website.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1002

Lets Discuss

b-52 Jul. 25 '08

Please feel free to critique!

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

Much better! :) Is there something behind the possible 'M' letter?

b-52 Jul. 25 '08

the M is infact a mock mountain-range. Have shown this to loads of people in the industry and market and they all got it :-)

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

Hope you sold it nice...

b-52 Jul. 25 '08

sorry, what do you mean?**

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

I menat that I hope that your client was satisfied! I like the logo, that's all...

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

By the way you didn't have to delete the B52 logo... It would be great to see the updated version of it and to compare with the old one... If you were going to update it at all...

b-52 Jul. 25 '08

Type08:**Thanks for this logo comment. It was actually for a friend so it was a freebie.*I took the B-52 down because im not sure on the name. You made a very good point earlier so i am brainstorming ideas for a new name. I like the font so would like to keep using that. feel free to suggest : )**Clashmore: I see your point, but i have shown it to numerous climbers and industry insiders and they all got it straight away, so its one for the indsiders. Mind you, i have shown it to others and they have still got it, you are the first one not to get it....

richsmall Aug. 07 '08

This reminds me of the northern rock logo

b-52 Aug. 17 '08

Sorry, how!?! similar type font is the ONLY slight similarity


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