Buznik (B) tiles

by • Uploaded: Aug. 20 '11


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Description: Cyrillic 'B' Please check 'seen on' for small size. Comments are appreciable. Thanks :)
As seen on: http://100logos.tumblr.com/
Status: Student work
Viewed: 2519

Lets Discuss

beshur Aug. 21 '11

Nothing to comment here?

robiro Aug. 21 '11

Your logo is very nice in small size, perfect for the avatar. But on a larger scale its quite hard to notice that its a b. Nice colour chromatic!

beshur Aug. 22 '11

Thanks, robiro.*Yes, I noticed that it is quite messy in big size. Have to work more with contrast or try more narrow gamma.

robiro Aug. 24 '11

I agree.. a better contrast would help. Let me know what solution you found. :)


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