The Atrium by Ligon Flynn

by • Uploaded: Sep. 30 '11 - Gallerized: Oct. '11


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Description: The Atrium is an inside courtyard for people to rent for weddings and events. it is very architectural mixed with nature.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 10063
Tags: tree leaves leaf

Lets Discuss

Rokac Oct. 24 '11

Very effective. Though I would personally reduce a bit the size of the type.

Mikeymike Oct. 24 '11

clever and fitting.

balic Oct. 24 '11

Great mark!*I agree with @Rokac.*The type is nice too, but I would remove %22the%22 or make it smaller if it has to be in the name.*Good luck!

crave10 Oct. 24 '11

Thanks guys! I would remove %22the%22 but it has to be apart of the name. do you think it would throw it off balance if i make it smaller?

logo design- Oct. 24 '11

Great execution of the idea.. :)

balic Oct. 25 '11

You can type uppercase %22A%22 and in smallcaps %22TRIUM%22 and place %22THE%22 in smaller size smallcaps above %22TRIUM%22 right to the %22A%22.*I think that would keep it balanced.**The other thing you can try is just to push %22T%22 down and above it place %22THE%22.

crave10 Oct. 25 '11

Thanks Balic! I will try that.

neogrey Feb. 03 '12

I would rather flip the A horizontally as it slightly unreadable as an %22A%22 this way.


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