Facultatea de Arte si Design

by • Uploaded: Dec. 06 '07


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Description: Facultatea de Arte si Design translates as Faculty of Fine Arts & Design, a proposal for the faculty in my town! The symbol tries to incorporate all the classes that you can attend there, meaning painting, product design, graphic design, etc. and the type has the san-serif font for a modern and clean look and direction and also a serif type for the respect and tradition that this faculty has!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2112

Lets Discuss

dache Dec. 06 '07

The Bank of New York identity was one of my favourites and this one feels close to it. A bit busy with the lines, perhaps you could remove every second line?

bogdanv Dec. 06 '07

thank you dache! i will try that! thanks again!

Darrel Dec. 06 '07

Yea, too close to Bank of NY's old logo

bogdanv Dec. 07 '07

thank you for your comments!


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