Realty sign

by • Uploaded: Nov. 13 '07


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Description: Guys, i need to know, have you seen that sign anywhere before?
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2972

Lets Discuss

koodoz Nov. 15 '07

The closest thing your logo reminds me of is %22this little guy%22: , a child safety initiative that used to be around in the 90's. Don't know if it still operates. Either way, yours is way different and much nicer.**Whats the mark for?

nido Nov. 15 '07

one morning i woke up %26 it was tatoo'd on my chest!

brandberry Nov. 15 '07

2 koodoz *for Real Estate

radexon Nov. 20 '07

it looks to me line a nerd smiling or just a pig's nose %3C%3D)


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