The Well Church

by brandclay • Uploaded: Mar. 18 '09


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Description: Finalized logo for The Well Church.
As seen on: Brandclay
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7,397

Lets Discuss

903creative Mar. 18 '09

Nice. I really like the updates you've made. Even though the cross is shorter/subtler, I think there's less of a chance people will confuse it with a medical cross. Well done.

OcularInk Mar. 18 '09

Turned out great, bud. Very nicely balanced with the type.

Paul Rand Mar. 18 '09

Clean and simple.*I like the typeface.**I just want to nit pick a little.*The spigot seems a touch big and a little low.*Seems heavy on that side. *If you were to make that out of any material and try to stand it up,*it would tip over to the left.*Also, the drip can be improved.*The font placement safe on the same baseline, could be %22designed%22 more.**

penflare Mar. 18 '09

@siah - thanks bud**@arron - thanks yeah, i tried telling them, but they want the subtle look :) which i love subtle**@superdave - thanks!**@kevin - thanks, means a lot to me**@Paul Rand.. thanks for the suggestions but its been delivered and the client was absolutely thrilled..

theartistt Mar. 18 '09

I have to say that with the text this sings. I really like it.

peclat Apr. 02 '09

Great logo!!! What's that type name?

Chad Sanderson Oct. 27 '09

Another really great piece. I love how *well* the space between 'the' and 'well' works. That was a weak pun, but this is a strong mark.


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