50 in 10

by • Uploaded: Jan. 01 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '09


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Description: A global collaboration of nonprofits, foundations, governments and private sector leaders to bring 50% of the world's fisheries under sustainable management within 10 years
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9943

Lets Discuss

LoGoBoom Jan. 01 '09

Or maybe this one :-)

LoGoBoom Jan. 01 '09

What if the scale was changed so that the mark was the same length as the word? Might even out the line weights too. Just a thought. I love it as is.

cerise Jan. 01 '09

Thanks man I might have a play when I have some more playtime.

ddd Jan. 01 '09

this is a winner IMO.....the placement gives added interest with the off balance line up. Colors are good and typo is on point. I am digging this one.

cerise Jan. 02 '09

Thanks Nathan (I dig how you're into Lightwave amongst other things).

THEArtistT Jan. 02 '09

I like this one best. Good job!

lundeja Jan. 02 '09

Perfect colors, good job!

cerise Jan. 03 '09

Thanks Roy, Trish and Jared I really do appreciate the feedback!

nido Jan. 03 '09

very clever cerise... well done.

fogra Jan. 03 '09

Yeah, very well done.

cerise Jan. 03 '09

Thanks Nido and Sean glad you like

logotypecentralen.se Jan. 06 '09

This logotype is simple but to the point! Great work indeed!

annie Jan. 08 '09

very nice logo! so simple and so perfect!

cerise Jan. 11 '09

Thanks kiritpatel :-)

eskabar Feb. 17 '09

hey cerise, love your work!**I saw that you were living in Australia. I was considering moving out there upon graduation for a couple years to work. Do you work for any design companies or just freelance? If so, Which companies?**email me if you can: jeff@eskabar.com

grigoriou Mar. 13 '09

this is real nice. I see that you have mentioned that it could be used for the fishing industry, but I actually think this would be much more appropriate for a seafood restaurant. Here in San Diego there are a number of upscale restaurants around that bay that use identities like this.**Even the way you have placed the type says fine dining to me. **Nice job.

cerise Mar. 16 '09

Hey thanks for that grigoriou. I guess I never thought fine dining, but it would probably go ok on a menu.

patentico May. 16 '09

i completely agree with grigoriou, can't imagine this beauty for such a %22hard%22 industry.*


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