Stress Becomes Her

by • Uploaded: May. 17 '07


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Description: Website to help women manage stress by turning a bad thing into something positive!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3133

Lets Discuss

emtarte May. 17 '07

love the illustration! i can imagine the process of that wild, unkempt hair turning into a beautiful and peaceful creation. Not completely sold on the typography... I like the simplicity, but would like to see something a touch lighter with more leading.

OcularInk May. 17 '07

Amazing illustration...a little detailed to be a logo, but if it won't be used for print, who cares!! :-P

chappy May. 18 '07

Thanks! Still have yet to hear from my client...

logomotive Jun. 04 '07

Yes Chappy LUV your Illo :-)

ErwinNL Jun. 05 '07

If I was your client I would be happy :)

kult house Jun. 12 '07

Do you usually purchase stock vector art like this, chappy?

chappy Jun. 21 '07

not usually, but I did this in 2 hours. I just manipulated the illustration by redrawing the entire illustration and made a bunch of small changes like lines and gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!


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