
by • Uploaded: Jul. 10 '08


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Description: Hi guys this is my first post. We are a design outfit that focuses on logos and corporate identity. We can design a decent logo for our client(s). however, designing a logo for my company is a very very challenging task. If you can relate to me, please help me move to the right direction.
As seen on: LogoDad.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1439

Lets Discuss

stele Jul. 10 '08

Way too much information on the pencil...

TECHNEO Jul. 11 '08

You are 'a design outfit that focuses on logos and corporate identity'?.... hmm...**I agree with Stele and Clashmore... too much!

nido Jul. 11 '08

the name is cool.. the logo not so. I agree with the 'simplify' comment. Hows about you just have the type (in one color - black!) %26 have a mustache under the g... then the o's either side could look like eyes!.. please dont go putting eyeballs in the o's though with a web 2.0 effect... keep it simple!

gthobbs Jul. 11 '08

I'm biting my tongue.

borinagge Jul. 11 '08

So many elements, a macho, borat alike, geek pencil there, one color here and another overthere, 2.0 web effects, the tag line attached to the name like a remora....please simplify!


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