Bake bar

by • Uploaded: Sep. 22 '11


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Description: Logo for client.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1860

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designtofeel Sep. 22 '11

Wow, that's pretty incredible. I must admit, though, I didn't see the whole thing until I read the title. Once I did though, wow. Good work.

designtofeel Sep. 22 '11

It might help readability if BAR was all one color. Of course, that might hinder readability of BAKE. What if the color of the top half of BAR was the mix of the two colors above and below? Like yellow/gree/blue (not those colors but the relationship itself).

creativearts Sep. 23 '11

Thanks designtofeel, for your suggestion. I will definitely experiment with those ideas. Client glued to single color (orange).

LittleGuyLogos Dec. 31 '15

This is ridiculously clever. A really, really smart way of writing it - super!


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