by • Uploaded: Jan. 22 '11


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Description: © Gert van Duinen | cresk design Brandmark design for Werken aan Merken, which is Dutch for 'Working on Brands'.
As seen on: www.gertvanduinen.com
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3104

Lets Discuss

myob Jan. 22 '11

So I guess that both MerkWerk and Werken aan Merken are the same company, just still figuring out with which name to go for? Uh, what am I thinking. I prefer this view over the other. Althought I might have seen a similiar solution somewhere (you know, tricking the viewer's eye), the way you handled it cresk, is quite appealing to say the least.

cresk Jan. 22 '11

It's for %22Werken aan Merken%22 (WM).**I came up with this solution while extruding the both letters and I wanted to read the WM through the negative space. I haven't seen the solution elsewhere, even after googling for a while.

cresk Jan. 22 '11

Thanks for your comment anyway Peter.

myob Jan. 22 '11

No intention of undermining your work cresk - perhaps I did not express myself clearly enough. Of course I have not seen the same exact solution, merely similiar (not to mention not so well executed). What I wanted to say in all the mess i've written is that I am simply loving this :))

Rocas Designworks Feb. 10 '11

Paradoxical! Great job messing with my eyeballs :)


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