destiny telecommunications

by • Uploaded: May. 16 '08


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Description: this is a logo i recently made and won on cotest for big new belgian telecom company that will be offering future high speed internet and telecom
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2843

Lets Discuss

jayred May. 17 '08

I saw this contest and thought your mark was definitely the best. Although, you need to work on the kerning as the spaces between the letters should all be equal given the nature of the font that you're using, but they're definitely not even right now.

damjanjo May. 17 '08

hmmm maybe you're right i will try that thank's

palmateer May. 19 '08

Congrats DDD! Too bad for that guy with the X in the orange box :)

damjanjo May. 24 '08

yes that orange box for sure turned into red and after that into black !!! you know what i mean :)

Terry Bogard Feb. 16 '09 guys are funny :) But I think that was one of the biggest contest ever on that site:) I wonder where you spent all the money DDD:D


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