Bethel Church

by • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '13


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Description: Aiming to portray a fresh and contemporary image for Bethel Church, a vibrant community church whose core is the cross. The icon symbolises a diversity of people meeting God at the cross whilst equally going out, serving the community and changing their world.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 2966
Tags: simple typographical christian round

Lets Discuss

danielp Feb. 08 '13

Thanks for feedback Tomas. I am certainly not decided on the colours so any advise very much welcomed. Would you agree that there should be four colours as opposed to two? With the name I wanted to subtly highlight the cross with the 't' but I guess I could still do that with four colours. I'll upload an update now, let me know what you think. Thanks.

danielp Feb. 08 '13

This is a concept for Bethel Carmarthen, a different church in South West Wales with the same name.


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