Logo for suport the concept of a beach leisure furniture done in a product design project.
I've tried to show the furniture's aim that was inspired for sea waves as represents it's front view.
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Lets Discuss
Nice concept.
ReplyThanks pratikbagaria
ReplyAgree with pratikbagaria.
ReplyThnaks for the comment, I appreciate!
Replyfijate que el que te sugiere moxelcreative esta mucho mejor realizado... suponiendo que la idea es tuya valete del buen acabado del otro! es mas sugestivo y enigmatico a la vez.:! por lo menos en mi humilde opinion!
ReplyYes dudafugaz, your supposition it's right, was my idea, but not and original idea as you can see others has the same thoughts. In mine, the waves could be better represented but the more you increase the wave height, the more you lose legibility...**Thanks all for comment and support!
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