Studio Poc

by • Uploaded: Aug. 08 '09


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Description: studio poc in color
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1413

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degro Aug. 08 '09

Studio Poc is a Romanian digital/web agency/studio/whatever. They program and design interfaces.**_Naming:_*Poc (in Romanian) is an interjection (poc!), describing the sound that an object makes when it falls to the ground or on any hard surface. Doesn't relate directly to the client or his philosophy, but it's simple, looks and sounds great (in any Latin-related language).**_Inspiration:_*Evidently, pacman.**_Color, form, idea:_*The colors are absolutely unimportant, as long as the logo is NOT presented in yellow on a black background. The version shown here is the logo with a smooth gradient on a tasty background. What is important about this is the **form**.**The idea behind this logo is to subconsciously remind of the pacman monster, thus, not having the viewer remember a new symbol, and, eventually, instantly recognizing this through the old memory.**Website coming in the near future.

tass Aug. 08 '09

I like it, simply but i think efficient! Bafta cu proiectul! :)


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