Logo for real estate company in Boston,MA
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I've seen an almost exact execution of the key/cityscape in a logo book but have no idea where. Might want to do some research.
ReplyWow! Really? I have researched this mark going on two months now and havent found anything at all. We also have two employees researching all the marks we create for the client and they have not found anything either. If you come across this mark please let me know, my email is Thank you so much for the comment!
ReplyI'm guessing it was either in a Graphis Annual or in a American Corporate Identity book 5 or so years ago? Sorry to be vague but if I find it I will ping you.
ReplyThanks man you a very kind!
ReplyThanks man!
ReplyGreat concept, dude!!
ReplyThanks, your comment is greatly appreciated. I am a fan of your work as well!
ReplyThanks, dude. Keep up all the good work. Cheers!!
ReplyI love the concept very much but how's a key related to a real estate business?
ReplyHa Ha it is funny you should ask. Lots of real estate agents give away key chains to go with the key to your new house. Soooo.... Since everyone needs a key to enter their home, I felt it was appropriate. Ya know what I mean?
ReplyThe 'key' to a better life! Brilliant concept mate. I hope gt doesn't find that 'other' logo %3B%5E)
Replyyou know what!.. i saw it too.. your not imagining it gthobbs!.. %26 i seen it recently too, in a book... very recently... i also cant remember the book.. wow its like that movie i saw once where everyone keeps forgetting this guys name.. i also cant remember the name of the movie either.. so its probably just amnesia!.. however i do remember one thing.. the other logo that was just like this was not so much an outright logo.. more of an 'event' logo.
ReplyYeah, but I still can't find it :-)
ReplyHmmmmm this is killing me guys, if you find it please let me know. Do you think I should scrap this one? Is it too similar to the one you saw or do you think I am safe?
ReplyNot to ruin everyones day, but here is the logo you where looking for. Made by Pentagram for Center for Architechture***
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