I didn't had the chance to come up with a name for this fellow and finish him up, but i wanted to contribute somehow to the "Christmas logo series" i saw here on the pond.
Merry Christmas! :D
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
cute:) love it:)
Replymega cute, man
ReplyHaaa! He's awesome! I want one.
Replycute little bugger. Merry Christmas.
Replyawesome guy!
ReplyCuter then Justin Bieber! :D
Replylovely!!!*@Nikita: haha, good one:p
Replythanks for the floats and comments guys, hope you had a great time for Christmas, %0D*A Happy New Year to all!
Replynice...but I would prefer more contrast!....:)
Replycute baby :)
Replythanks Lo
Replymade me smile!
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