Reef Center

by • Uploaded: Jul. 12 '12


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Description: Reef Center, a company that will bring the ocean life into your houses :D
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3015
Tags: illustrated illustration coral

Lets Discuss

milou Jul. 12 '12

Beautiful, it was a joy to watch a process on this one, buddy.

dotflo Jul. 12 '12

Thanks Lule, @Milou, thanks buddy, loved every second of working on this project

garychew1984 Jul. 12 '12

this is beautiful. Can i have a comment, i like the star fish, its look 3d...but i think Nemo look a bit flat? IMO.

dotflo Jul. 12 '12

you are totally right, initially these guys were too small to have any details but now since they are bigger... Totally left that zone out, thanks for the feedback


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